Be as meticulous in choosing a co-founder; it is as if you are choosing a spouse! Believe it or not, both of you will end up in a marriage and it is up to you to make either work and last!â €

Countless were the times when I heard co-founders' liken their relationship to a marriage. Little did I know what it meant until I got to experience it myself.â €
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An entrepreneurial journey is lonely, especially for those of us without partners or co-founders. Therein lies the need to find and bring a co-founder on board. When you embark on this task, I advise you to keep 3 thoughts in mind before you "marry" your co-founder!â €
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. A co-founder is one to complement you in terms of expertise, skills, and vision. He or she must add value to your team and company. They are not and should not replicate what already exists. They should be there to stay and that it would be best if they come on board in order to fill a gap.â €
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. You must share mutual trust, respect, and empowerment with your co-founder, because it will be vital for your company that each commits to their part and bring to the table what they know best. It is also vital for each party to have the space to take initiative, act, and grow.â €
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. When having equal company equity, you and your co-founder must have equal say in the company. It does not matter who came up with the business idea first and who started it. What matters is what was done so far with that idea and what will be done in order to move the company forward.â €
Got any questions about finding the right co-founder? Follow this link to schedule a free mentorship call! ✨⠀