"I work with startups." My common reply whenever anyone asks me about what I do, especially with Launch DXB. My next sentences would solely depend on the other person's knowledge of the startups space, what is commonly called an ecosystem.â €
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In case they know about it, I would add that we support entrepreneurs at their various stages and connect them with skills, talents, mentors, knowledge, solutions and growth resources they need in their venture. We do all of this through collaborating with key local and regional ecosystem players, government entities and support initiatives.â €
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In case they don’t know about it, as is the case of my family and close friends who still don’t get what I do, I add that I help people set up their new businesses. A startup is a company in the making. It is a business set up to solve a problem, fill in a gap or cater to a need in the market or society. It can be of many forms and sizes, but it all should be profitable, sustainable, feasible and scalable to succeed. As for an entrepreneur, he/she is the person who starts up such a business setup, taking on all the risks and putting all it takes to make it succeed.
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Next time you ask me about what I do in life, which of the two answers shall I reply back to you with?